
There was a reason for the pause, and  apparent side effect of cooking eggplant apparently is that your oven self destructs in the process.

(As occurred when cooking the Eggplant Lasagna.)

It appears that the thermocouple was fried during the broiling of the eggplant phase.

As this occurred during the height of the appliace issues in the pandemic, it turned out getting a new oven was odd. ("Can we get this one?", "They have no idea when it will ship, check back in a couple months." which then turns into "What ovens are available and fit in the hole in my kitchen?") So we have a new Bosch Oven. Which has worked great.

But getting there we tried many things as a placeholder.

First up baking in a toaster oven:

Pasties worked well.

Sadly, pie did not.

While we were waiting on reports about supply chain issues, we figured a portable Pizza Oven (Gozney Roccbox) would be at least something fun to use in the backyard and the reviews all said how much better it makes pizza:

This has really upped our home made pizzas

While this works _fabulous_ for pizza it wasn't much of a placeholder oven overall. We were at 4 months now and supposedly 2 weeks away from a real oven (which would turn out to be not true yet again.) we got a Anova Precision oven, which is very interesting device. has a much tighter controls on the temperature, and a means of injecting steam, and a sous vide mode. It's been a real change to sous vide along with baking.

Long term this Anova Oven has been a great second oven and having a smaller counter top oven along with a main oven has been nice.

On installation turned out the wiring to get power to that top cubby was more then a little sus and the electrician eliminated the socket.
